Space Coast Stadium
5800 Stadium Way
Viera, FL 32940
My Visit to Space Coast Stadium
- Dates Visited: March 25 and 28, 2009
- Customer Service: Average
- Ease of getting in / out: Very Good
- Music/Announcer: Better than most. Some 'space' music played, e.g., Star Wars

This is the ticket booth. The open door to the right of the ticket booth area is the gift shop.
One had to walk up a ramp to get to the entrance (the entrance is the red section above the booth on second level). See photo below.

After walking up the ramp you arrive here to the entranceway. As far as I could tell, this was the only entranceway (at least for fans).
The structure (the top part) almost looks like an apartment building or a hotel. Very different.
There's a wide open area to wait before entry (it's from where I'm taking the photo). It just needs a few benches for folks to rest.

Here's the infield taken from the third base side. I had a seat in the first row right next to the dug out.
You can see the bleacher area beyond the first base side.
Of the spring training facilities I visited this trip, this was the only field that had the bullpens not on the field.
Although not shown very clearly here, the stadium honored those astronauts who lost their lives in space shuttle accidents by placing the names of the Challenger and Columbia and the date of the disaster on each of the foul poles.

This was taken at the night game I attended. A full crowd.
The home dugout is on the first base side.

A nice sunset this evening.
The outside of the stadium has a small pond with a water fountain.
You can see some of the spray of the fountain in this photo.
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